My toronto play station

Filed under: Editorial,General,Portraits — Artflux at 1:45 pm on Friday, June 15, 2012



This week I managed to find a really great deal on craigslist for a new desk. It’s designed and built by a Canadian company called global Woodgroup. It’s really nice red mahogany color and sees me perfectly for my Play Station. Moving was a little bit of a chore, but I managed with the zip car and little elbow grease to put together. The weather here is been really cool and comfortable just about 60F in the mornings and pleasantly in the low 70s during the day. I’ve been going to the gym every morning and working out as well as during hot yoga sessions my favorite being on Fridays. It’s really good start today and gets me geared up for things. This weekend I’ll be heading to MontrĂ©al again for little R&R. I’ll post some pictures along the way.

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