After a long sabbatical of sorts I’m back. I’ve been working on a new web site on my new domain that will host the blog eventually. Stay tuned. At the moment it is in the development stages. The url is artflux.org/gallery. If your interested in seeing the favorite photos from a recent session of Ralph Perkins I have a gallery at the above link. I met Ralph in the early 90’s in Vegas where he was based for many years.
My cycling is primary my early morning activity before the heat of mid day arrives. I’ve biked 1464 miles so far this year. Last year at this time I had slightly more at 1529. I suspect that we have had more rain days this year. The rain has slowed meaning more favorable conditions for long early morning rides.
At the moment we are in the midst of a New York heat wave that is pushing the envelope of comfort tolerance. The temperatur has inched up to nearly 100F two days in a row The New York Triathlon was well attended this year Sunday morning. The finishing link was in Central Park so I was able to catch the finishing run to the line of some of the elite athletes were in the lead. I didn’t take any photos as I tend to not carry a camera with me on my road bike.
I’ve actually been surviving the heat although working in the studio tends to make me a little lethargic at times. I managed to print in the lab this week of some negatives of Ralph that I took back in the 90’s I’m in the process of transferring old VHS video to DVD. Some of the tapes are nearly 30 years old so I thought it was about time to convert them to digital. I’ve been using the Pinnacle MovieBox DV that works great with my new Nec DVD burner. I’ve also bought a new Seagate external drive to store some of the digital files that have filled both of the internal drives. The canon digital tends to eat up space. And gradually I’ve converted most of my CD collection to mp3 before more of them are lifted. It’s discouraging to find that several seem to have mysteriously vanished perhaps from disgruntled roommates or drunken party guests that may have barrowed them 5 finger discount style.
I’ve been watching the Tour de France over the internet live on T/2 Danish TV. It’s pay for view but well worth it. The European Sports Network has live audio that’s free. Now that the riders are in the mountain stages of the race the climbing may be testing the endurance to the 10th degree. Michael Rasmussen seems to be hanging in there in 1st place. The Australian Robby McEwan is in the overall lead. I saw him race a couple of years ago in the New York City Pro Cycling Tour a couple of years ago. So adios for now.