Well, it’s been a while since I’ve made it a point to sit down and write something. Answering emails has been my preoccupation over the past few weeks. So here goes it again. At long last I’ve found someone to share the studio again. Boris Pale arrived on at my door just off the plane from Zurich Switzerland a place that I’ve never been to although the word is that it is so clean there that you can practically eat off the sidewalk. This is the diametric opposite of NYC. The experience of stepping through garbage filled streets here may be hard for Boris to get used to.
A broken elevator has us climbing up and down five flights of steps now as it seems that the motor is acting up due to a ConEd transformer that was recently installed to convert the AC to DC. We were given the word that it is not safe. I’m not complaining though. The walk up and down is not that bad and I am sure the others at their young age will be able to survive a little stepping.
If only I could levitate like in Second Life. I’ve recently discovered the virtual work that has me teleporting around in space. My avatar is Victor Carson so if you happen to run into me say hello. Here’s a picture of what I sometimes look like although my appearance changes like the weather.
So I spend a day loading up photos for auction on EBAY. Some of them have never shown before. It’s amazing how much can me missed in the rush from days past.
Well I better get on with my day. I wanted to spend a little time today being Friday to say hey…
Some new photos are in the works so stay tuned…