Postcards From the Edge
Saturday, December 2 12pm-6pm
Sunday, December 3 12pm-4pm
Over 1000 original postcard-size works of art. Only $75 each. First-come, First-served. Works are signed on the back and displayed anonymously. Artists’ namesrevealed only after purchase. Buy four cards and get one free. Cash and checks only please.$5.00 Suggested Donation.
Hosted By
Sikkema Jenkins & Co.
530 West 22nd Street (between 10th & 11th Avenues)
Special Preview Event (No Sales) Get a sneak peek and see the entire show. You may be a Lucky Winner. $75 cover includes a Raffle Ticket for a chance to select anyone artwork that evening. Additional raffle tickets $25.
Silent auction of specially selected artworks.
Questions: Visual AIDS 1 212.627.98551
[email protected]
ALL proceeds benefit the programs of Vlsual AIDS. Founded in 1988,
2005 participating artists include: Vito Acconci, Derrick Adams, Stephen Andrews, Polly Apfelbaum, Ida Applebroog, Dotty Attie, Aziz + Cucher, John Baldessari, Burt Barr, Robert Beck, Barton Lidice Benes, Katherine Bernhardt, Nayland Blake, Ross Bleckner, Nina Bovasso, Mark Bradford, Nancy Brooks Brody, AA Bronson, Matthew Buckingham, Nancy Burson, Suzanne Caporael, Mary Ellen Carroll, Rick Castro, Mark Chamberlain, Paul Chan, Vincent Cianni, Victor Carnuccio, Aaron Cobbett, Greg Colson, Angela Dufresne, Marcel Dzama, Frank Egloff, Joy Episalla, John Evans, Neil Farber, Tony Feher, Brian Finke, Robert Flynt, Joy Garnett , Jeff Gauntt, Milton Glaser, Maria Elena Gonzalez, Deborah Grant, Joanne Greenbaum, Hans Haacke, Jane Hammond , Erik Hanson, Stuart Hawkins, Mary Heilmann, Geoffrey Hendricks, Matthias Herrmann, Jim Hodges, Frank Holliday, Elizabeth Huey, David Humphrey, Alfredo Jaar, XYLOR Jane, Chris Johanson, Bill Jones, Michael Joo, Miranda July, Nina Katchadourian, Terence Koh, Louise Lawler, Sol LeWitt, Glenn Ligon, Vera Lutter, Barry McGee, Dominic McGill, Julie Mehretu, Ann Messner, Marilyn Minter, Shawn Mortensen, Carrie Moyer, Elizabeth Murray, Stefanie Nagorka, James Nares, David Nelson, Robyn O’Neil, Yoko Ono, Tom Otterness, Sheila Pepe, Amy Jean Porter, Ernesto Pujol, Paul Henry Ramirez, Jessica Rankin, Richard Renaldi, Eric Rhein, Tim Rollins & K.O.S., Edward Ruscha, Jonathan Santlofer, Gary Schneider, Donna Sharrett, Mark Sheinkman, Kate Shepherd, Alyson Shotz, Amy Sillman, Tom Slaughter, Kiki Smith, Chrysanne Stathacos, Pat Steir, Barbara Takenaga, Steed Taylor, Rirkrit Tiravanija, Spencer Tunick, Kay Walkingstick, Nari Ward, John Waters, Mary Weatherford, William Wegman, Lawrence Weiner, Fred Wilson, Millie Wilson, Rob Wynne, Lynne Yamamoto, Carrie Yamaoka, and SO MANY MORE …
Visual AIDS 526 West 26th Street No.510, New York, NY 10001