Immigration, furniture and cycling

Filed under: General — Artflux at 12:12 pm on Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Last week I’ve been interviewing immigration lawyers to sort through my application for permanent residency here. The good news is I can stay until the end of September with current status as a visitor. The lawyer that I am thinking about going with works for a law firm that was giving away furniture on craigslist so that’s how I found out about them.  My road bike needs to be serviced. Early morning’s been balmy and perfect for biking along the trails along the lake. I’ve been doing hot yoga and the gym instead fr now.

Victor Victoria Day

Filed under: General — Artflux at 2:11 pm on Friday, May 18, 2012


It’s another banner day here in Toronto this being a Victoria Day here so there will be some fireworks and stuff like that Monday. I went to the gym as usual at 6 AM this morning for a spin class It’s still a little cold to do the ride alone the lake on my road bike in the early morning. So after the spin I did a catch up on arms workout chest and calves. It was pretty intense doing all that in one day split. And then I did a detox hot yoga class that was really extraordinary and I feel really good after that. It’s like rehab.  Yesterday I  joined CSA Community Supported Agriculture here. So I’ll be getting all sorts of good veggie starting June 1.Its a little more pricey compared to New York but I guess that goes along with the territory.Love my new apartment especially the view and being able to watch the weather changes from the 23rd floor. xo Victor

Toronto is cool

Filed under: General — Artflux at 6:38 pm on Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Today was a banner day. I awoke at the usual early dawn hour to see the sun rise over the Toronto skyline. I went headed to the gym for an early morning spin class at my newly adopted early morning staunt. It’s going on two weeks since I’ve been back to the gym routine again after the move. There’s a HOT yoga class that I take that can get sweaty and the guys take their shirts off.  The instructors are great as well. My bike ride takes about 7 min from the apartment and with my new bell I am completely legal.  My helmet is missing somewhere with the move so am thinking I need to buy a new one.  hahaha.. but for now I am helmet less. Workouts are going well.  I’m easing back after the lay off sabbatical. I’ve been eating well shopping at Kenisington Market as well as a Korean market that has a great selection of veggies. Tonight I had pepper steak mexed with brown rice, a little touch of tomarri sause and mixed vegetables. The steak is great but only once a week. I need a bbq and will eventually get one for the balcony.  I prefer salmon steaks or chicken.  If only I could cut out all the wine hahaha.  too much :p Now I’m on the air with the Knuckleheads. Tomorrow hope the weather continues to be blasting in Spring .;  Now I’m just listening to some music and chilling and trying to think of what to make for dinner tomorrow! me051602