Club 57 In the Mix Reprise

Filed under: Podcasts — Artflux at 10:13 pm on Saturday, September 30, 2006

Andy Reese

Club 57 was situated in the basement of the Holy Cross Polish National Church on St. Marks Place in New York where I met Andy Reese who was manager at the time. It was the late 70’s when rents were reasonable so there was a community of artists on the lower east side who hung out together creating events there. Ann Magnuson, Keith Harring, Kenny Scharf, John Sex, Wendy Wild, Klaus Nomi, Joey Arias, Tseng Kwong Chi, Tom Rubnitz, David McDermott and Peter McGough, and countless others got together there to show their work. Tom Hawk mastered the music for the events. I met John Epperson there as well as many others. Tom had a huge collection of vinyl at this Elizabeth Street apartment that he shared with William Lively who was choreographing dance and theater. While rummaging though some old cassettes I ran across one of his tapes. It is very similar to the David Byrne’s Instermental Miniatures that we played at the Artflux opening Thursday.

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Crista Grauer’s Motorized Boxes and Remembering Beryl Sokoloff

Filed under: Exhibitions — Artflux at 8:51 pm on Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Inclued in the exhibition are three motorized Boxes and photographs taken by Beryl Sokoloff. The boxes are lit from within with moving images that climb and decend.  shadow_72.jpg

Photograph by Beryl Sokoloff.

Artflux New Gallery Exhibition Thursday September 28 7pm til Midnight

Filed under: Exhibitions — Artflux at 8:53 pm on Sunday, September 24, 2006


You are invited to an art & photography exhibition
Artflux 547 Broadway #5 New York NY 10012
Works by John Kelly, Christa Grauer, Gregory Antollino, Tom Giebel,
Victor Carnuccio, Donna Cameron and more
Thursday, September 28, from 7PM-to Midnight
Open bar includes cocktails and wine
Roof Top Garden open weather permitting

New Exhibit Soon Upcoming and It’s About Global Warming!

Filed under: Exhibitions — Artflux at 10:14 am on Friday, September 22, 2006

Thanks for visiting! Please accept my apologies for not writing more often. I’ve been preoccupied with fixing some of the glitches in the style sheet of as well as preparing for the exhibit coming up next week.

I’ve added some new links including a brief bio of Donna Cameron under contributors. I have my tags plugged in under cool links. The subscribe buttons on the bottom of the sidebar make it easy to add content to My Yahoo, Google or MSN pages.

Donna Cameron will be exhibiting Peterborough Forest along with World Trade Center Alphabet Film and two other pieces.


Tom Giebel will be showing some color photographs taken of farm implements. Some of his work can be seen here at Atomische. Crista Grauer will be showing motorized sculptures. Greg Antollino will be exhibit some his prints from recent travels.

I will be showing miniature wall surface contact prints from South America, as well as landscape work for the South of France.

And John Kelly’s auto protrait paintings from Recyling My Muse.

Bike Thieves Srike Again – They Spared Me the Bike This Time

Filed under: Cycling — Artflux at 1:30 pm on Tuesday, September 19, 2006
YouTube Preview Image

It’s inevitable. I found my, what was supposed to be unbreakable American Multi-Lock Padlock and Kryptonite Chain missing the other morning. They left the bike thanks to a double lock. You need double padlocks and multi chains to feel secure in New York City.

As Promised Stephen Pell as Nanine in “Camille”

Filed under: General — Artflux at 10:31 am on Monday, September 18, 2006


Egyptian Lentils

Filed under: Recipes — Artflux at 5:01 pm on Sunday, September 17, 2006

Egyptian Lentils

I recently discovered this recipe. It’s one of my favorites.


1 c Lentils
2 Fresh chili peppers
1 1/2 c Regular rice
1 1/2 c Tomato sauce
1 c Elbow macaroni
2 tb Vinegar
3 tb Oil
1 lg Onion


Place lentils in a saucepan and cover by 1″. Turn
heat to high, bring to a boil, turn down heat to
simmer, and cook covered for 35 minutes or until
tender. Drain and transfer to a large bowl. Set
aside. Bring 3 cups of water to a boil, add rice turn
down to simmer for 20 minutes and fluff up rice with a
fork and add to lentils. Boil 2 quarts of water, add
elbow macaroni and cook until tender. Add to
lentils.. In a small skillet add 1 tbl of oil and
saute finely chopped peppers for 2 minutes. Add the
tomato sauce, 1/2 cup of water, and the vinegar, bring
to a boil and simmer for 5 minutes. In another
skillet heat 2 tbls oil, add onions and saute until
brown around the edges. Garnish lentil mixture with
the onions and pour the tomato sauce over all. Serve

Ridiculous Relicks from the Past and Now for Pig on a Hot Tin Trough

Filed under: General — Artflux at 5:18 pm on Saturday, September 16, 2006

Thanks Donna for the great post about your September 11th experience and the wonderful tribute “World Trade Alphabet Film.” There was a huge response to your excellent writing, and we are looking forward to seeing it in the real at the coming exhibit on Thursday September 28th.

So it seems that the artists for the exhibit are Donna Cameron, Greg Antolino, John Kelly and yours truly Victor Carnuccio. It will be one of those memorable evenings so I hope that all that are in the New York area will be able to attend. The wine is free so come and enjoy. Hopefully we will be web casting the opening live so if you are unable to attend you will be able to watch it virtually or on a podcast. Email me at [email protected] for details. Just hope that no one spills wine on the cam.

John Kelly is in Rome for a ten month residency at the American Academy so will not be able to attend. There was a fab “Bon Voyage” party at the home of Scott Griffin at the Chelsea Hotel. The White Castle burgers were a great hit with everyone and the art collection was incredible.

I ran into director writer Kevin Malony at John Kelly’s party. I mentioned to Kevin that I had found some interesting early photographs of John Epperson that were taken in 1983. He expressed interest in seeing them as he was thinking about a book. So here’s one I recently discovered in my achieves.

There’s a production of “Pig on a Hot Tin Trough,” directed by Kevin with Verla Jean Merman, Jackie Hoffman, Jay Rogers, Bradford Scobie, Colleen O’Neill, and Stephen Pell on September 18th at Comix 353 West 14th Street at 9th Avenue here in New York that is not to be missed! Kevin told me that he as an early photo that I had taken of Stephen Pell hanging on his wall! I photographed Stephen at my studio after a performance of “Camille” at the Charles Ludlam Theater in 1990. Small world. Stay tuned.

World Trade Alphabet Film

Filed under: Editorial — Donna Cameron at 6:35 pm on Sunday, September 10, 2006

by Donna Cameron, Contributing Artist

September 11, 2006- Brooklyn, NY-

Smoke and embers fell in flurries, became a blinding blizzard. The sky darkened around me.

Too soon, large and small papers fell from nowhere, a weird light, a noxious odor, and from nowhere an ominous manna of letters. Fractured pieces of alphabet like dead confetti covered my front stoop.

A priest from the Catholic Church across the street rushed by with a large box full of white paper masks, bending forward like a rescuer heading uphill against a strong wind. Up the block he scurried, and I knew he was going to the parish school there to distribute the masks to the children. Indeed, soon they appeared floating downhill, gait orderly, quick and steady, holding the masks in their small hand, pushing them up to their noses, coughing, looking frozen, scared.

I ran around and closed all the windows in my brownstone. My husky began to howl, then bark. The cat escaped out the front door as usual, a white cat who got lost easily in the white fog and flurry of cascading paper shrapnel. I ran out after him, and as I scooped him up an extra large paper hit my forehead. I looked up; it balanced for a moment on my brow, and then tumbled. I compulsively grabbed it and the cat, ran up the stoop and slammed the door to my house. I at once felt drawn to the large page of paper. It was burnt smoothly around the edges, and it had a form that immediately haunted me. I held it out, turning it over and over. Suddenly it hit me- a head. I held it, by a small stem up to my face in the foyer mirror. The page was the exact shape and size and contour of an adult human head. A human oval with a small stem, like a piece of neck. I knew instantly that this was a pressure photogram. Someone on impact must have fallen forward into their document, imprinted the weight of their head, making a death mask. How many pages were imprinted, I don’t know. I at once felt the spirit of this unknown soul rising from behind the oval photogram in my hand. I began sobbing. No tears, just sobs, and an unknown surge of energy- terror.

Reading it, upon close inspection, I realized that it was a page from a document on AFPs- Alcohol Fuel Plants.

I remembered what I had learned about the alphabet we use daily in my own Catholic school days. Invented by the Phoenicians to further world trade, our alphabet was evolved from the 321+ letters of ancient cuneiform, thousands of years ago in what is now the Middle East. The World Trade Alphabet is perhaps the greatest contribution to democracy and the democratic voice that the world has ever known.

A paradox.

World Trade Alphabet Film, Hand painted 35mmm film, paper process, photograms.

3 feet x 6 feet. Supported by a fellowship from The MacDowell Colony.

Second Life Exploited By Hackers Breaching Customer Data

Filed under: General — Artflux at 3:15 pm on Saturday, September 9, 2006

While logging into Second Life to resume my virtual vacation in P-town I discovered that I needed to change my password in order to sign in. Further investigation reveraled a security bulletin issued by Linden Lab reporting “that it is notifying its community of a database breach, which potentially exposed customer data including the unencrypted names and addresses, and the encrypted passwords and encrypted payment information of all Second Life users.” I was asked security information that I was unable to answer in three tries so I was locked out of my beach vacation until Monday when I will need to call to get a new password.

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