Club 57 In the Mix
Club 57 was situated in the basement of the Holy Cross Polish National Church on St. Marks Place in New York where I met Andy Reese who was manager at the time. It was the late 70’s when rents were reasonable so there was a community of artists on the lower east side who hung out together creating events there. Ann Magnuson, Keith Harring, Kenny Scharf, John Sex, Wendy Wild, Klaus Nomi, Joey Arias, Tseng Kwong Chi, Tom Rubnitz, David McDermott and Peter McGough, and countless others got together there to show their work. Tom Hawk mastered the music for the events. Tom had a huge collection of vinyl at this Elizabeth Street apartment that he shared with William Lively who was choreographing dance and theater. While rummaging though so old cassette tapes I ran across one of his tapes.